Training & Development

Technical Training

    • Operations & Maintenance
      • Preventative Maintenance
      • Condition based Maintenance / Reliability Modelling/RCM
    • Risk management
    • Rotating Equipment Maintenance
    • RCA and Failure Diagnosis
    • HSE Training
    • Energy Audit/ Management
    • Safety Audit
    • Regulatory Compliances
    Dedicated senior level Industry experienced faculty will be deployed for any of the courses listed to be taught at your site or through Online classes with few site visits as per requirement for demonstration and handholding for implementation. Most courses are custom built to suit the training needs and outcome expectation. To schedule an in-house course, please contact us.

Human Resource Management

    • Coaching Industry Leaders
    • Behavioural based Safety Training
    • Soft skill Development & Training
    • Mentoring School & College students
    • Social Learning

Finance & TQM

    • 5S Initiatives
    • Finance for Non Finance
    • Investments
    • Managing Household Finances

Gender Sensitization

    • Pocso Training- The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012

Training & Development

  • Operations
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Condition based Maintenance/RCM/RCA
  • Maintenance Management
  • Management of man- machine
  • Maintenance Portfolio management
  • Maintenance risk management
  • Rotating Equipment Design
  • Rotating Equipment Maintenance and Operation
  • RCA and Failure Diagnosis
  • Reliability Modelling
  • HSE Training
  • Energy Modelling Training

Arrangements can be made for any of the courses listed to be taught at or near your site and most courses can be modified to custom suit your training needs. To schedule an in-house course, please contact us.

Company wide

  • Co-creation of Vision
  • Mentoring-Coaching
  • Transforming from studentship to Corporate Citizenship.
  • Competency Mapping.
  • Change Management.
  • Leadership for 21ST Century.
  • Retirement Counseling.
  • Gender Sensitisation .
  • Life skill, Business Etiquette.

Skill –Related

  • Negotiation skill.
  • Customer Orientation.
  • Customer Sensitivity.
  • Six hat thinking.
  • Reviewing skill.
  • Bottom line literacy
  • Four Gods of Management.
  • Selling skill.
  • Presentation skill.

Personal Effectiveness

  • Self –Empowerment.
  • Stress Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Development of Personal Vision.
  • Value Orientation.

Mastery over Interdependence

  • Team Building Managing high performing Team.
  • Developing effective Dialogue .
  • Joint counseling.
  • Human Sigma- the unifier of bottom line growth.
  • Institutional Building.


  • Bottom line literacy- finance for non-finance
  • Cost competitiveness – Cost Control, Cost Reduction and Cost Elimination
  • Activity Based & Zero Based Costing
  • Budgeting & Financial Review Mechanism
  • Project feasibility Analysis
  • Product costing through Marginal Costing
  • Fund flow & Cash Flow Analysis
  • Financial Management Information System ( MIS)
  • Working Capital Management
  • Ratio Analysis for financial performance



  • Kaizen.
  • Basic Awareness of TQM.
  • 5S
  • PSP(Problem Solving Process.)
  • Customer need identification.
  • Daily Management.
  • Break through Management.
  • Basics of TPM.


  • Understanding Gender
  • Gender stereotypes
  • Gender roles & impact
  • Understanding Gender based violence
  • Eve teasing, sexual harassment
  • POCSO (Protection of Child against Sex offences).